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How do I know if I have it?

Are you aware of the following:

  • Thickened nails

  • Yellowed or brown nails

  • ‘Crumbly’ nails

  • Nail is starting to lift – usually from the edges / end of nail

  • Misshapen nails


It is most usually caused by fungal infection and the sooner treatment is started, the easier it is to reverse and eradicate the infection/s. It is estimated that over 2 million people in Australia suffer from Fungal toe nails (10% of the Population).  So if you think your nails have a fungus you may well be right!


Fungal nails can be unsightly and embarrassing, sufferers may describe their nails as varying in colour, from a yellow through to a brown discolouration. The nail may also look like it is thickened or even eaten away. Sadly treatment to date has been limited with only expensive but often ineffective nail paints or prescription only heavy duty oral medication which while effective taken a long time to work and can have significant side effect for many people. Laser therapy is a new and highly effective treatment for this embarrassing and health effecting problem.


Why choose Laser?

  • highly effective – Fast result

  • Safe – No side effects!

  • No Aesthetic required

  • Comfortable with minimal discomfort

  • Nail Polish can be applied immediately after you leave

  • No need to take medication​


How does Laser work?

​Q-switch laser treatment utilizes laser energy to effectively heat the inside of the nail and the surrounding tissue, gently raising the temperature to 45 - 50 degrees. This kills both the fungus and spores that are in and around the nail. The procedure is fast, with only mild discomfort. Visible improvements often come quickly after the first treatment, however three treatments spaced one month is recommended for optimal results. As the damaged and discoloured nail grows out, you will see healthy nail growth in its place.




                                                             Treatment Progression

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